Release notes

Release notes

Explore the Adenty version history to stay informed about our latest features, improvements, and system updates. Each release note provides a brief overview of new functionalities, enhancements, and fixes that help optimize your experience. Stay up to date with our ongoing development and how Adenty evolves to meet your needs over time.

1.4.3 Version

What’s new

1. Script Analysis Across URLs/Subdomains:

  • Added a mechanism to detect and notify clients about improper reuse of initialization scripts across domain URLs or subdomains.

2. Introduced Data Retention Period:

  • Added a default 90-day data retention period with automated daily cleanup archiving to remove from hot storage data older than the specified timeframe. Archived data though is available in Cold storage within 1 year to recognize returning visitors before it will be completely removed.


1. Default Data filter for Visitor Overview:

  • Set a default one-month filter for Visitor Overview data in the UI for improving processing speed and efficiency when displaying visitor data

2. Redirect back to the originally Requested Page After Login:

  • Implemented automatic redirection to the originally requested (before logout) page after login in the Admin Portal.

3. Arguments for All Events:

  • Added support for capturing additional arguments to all fired events to improve data value we provide.

1.4.2 Version

What’s new

1. Added Server-Side Cookies for Improved Data Accessibility: 

  • When Browser storage is unavailable, Adenty automatically switches to server-side cookies consumption to maintain user data accessibility.  
  • Server-side cookies are also available to be used by resources owners. It can be managed and consumed through the Adenty public object adenty.scookie. 

2. Cookie Sharing Across Domains in Site Groups: 

  • Enabled server cookie sharing across domains within the same site group. This feature allows to share valuable Visitor’s data across sites to enhance experience and targeting accuracy withinmanaged sites. 

3. New Event for Local Storage Block Detection: 

  • Introduced the LocalStorageNotAvailableDetected event, which triggers when Local Storage is blocked. Upon detection, the system automatically switches to server-side cookies for continued tracking. 

4. Expanded Checkout with VAT Support: 

  • Added support for VAT-compliant payments by including address and VAT number fields in the checkout form, allowing customers to provide accurate billing details. VAT is now automatically applied based on Client jurisdiction. 

5. Added Billing Info in Subscription Tab: 

  • Clients can now manage billing details directly in the “Billing Info” tab. This includes fields for Company Name, Full Name, Address, ZIP, City, Country, Type, and VAT. 

6. Expanded Details in Billing History Tab: 

  • The “Billing History” tab now includes more details on each invoice and transaction, such as Date, Transaction Type, Traffic, Amount, and Status.  

7. Added Invoice Payment Option for Enterprise Plans: 

  • Clients with Enterprise and Enterprise Plus plans can now choose to pay via invoice. 

8. Enhanced Information Layout in Subscriptions Tab: 

  • Updated the Subscriptions tab to improve information layout, enhancing ease of analysis. 

9. Updated Dashboard to Reflect “Bots” in User Types: 

  • Enhanced the “User Types” dashboard diagram to display “Bots,” as a User type, enabling clients to monitor bot traffic and gain deeper insights into site activity. 

10. Added “Unique Users” and “PageViews” Metrics to Dashboard: 

  • Updated the “Visitor Behavior” dashboard to include “Unique Users” and “PageViews.” The Visitor Activity chart now features a “PageViews” scale, offering improved data visibility and analysis. 

1.4.1 Version

What’s new

1. Improved Browser Detection for Tor and Brave: 

  • Enhanced detection capabilities for Tor and Brave browsers, ensuring they are accurately identified and not mistaken for Chrome or Firefox. 

2. Implemented 3-Month Data Retention Period: 

  • Set a 3-month data retention policy, automatically deleting visitor and device records after 3 months of inactivity.

1.4.0 Version

What’s new

1. Update Date Format from American to European Standard: 

  • Changed the date format across the system from American (MM/DD/YYYY) to European (DD-MM-YYYY) standard, enhancing date consistency and clarity throughout the platform. 

2. Change in Visitor Recognition Logic: 

  • Updated visitor recognition logic to shift identification from the Client level to the SiteGroup level, ensuring consistent visitor recognition across all sites within a SiteGroup. This change enhances data analysis accuracy and provides more detailed behavior tracking. 

1.3.2 Version

What’s new

1. Payment Sidebar Information Regarding Cookie Blocking: 

  • Added an informational message to the payment sidebar due to third-party cookie blocking, which impacts Stripe functionality. The message guides clients to refresh the page if the sidebar does not close automatically after a successful transaction. 

1.3.1 Version

What’s new

1. Corrected Last Activity Date Format:

  • Changed the format of the LastActivityDate field to a string during change recognition events to prevent data inconsistencies.

1.3 Version

What’s new

1. Added Ability to Purchase Pricing Plan:

  • Clients can now purchase pricing plans tailored to their needs. Each plan includes a specific set of features. For more information, visit Pricing page.

2. Implemented Coupons and Discounts for Initial Purchases:

  • Special offers, such as coupons and discounts, are available for purchasing the first pricing plan.

3. Introduced Monthly Billing Cycle for All Plans:

  • All pricing plans come with a one-month billing cycle. Clients can purchase additional traffic if they exceed the traffic limit included in their plan.

4. Enabled Upgrade and Downgrade Functionality: 

  • Clients can upgrade or downgrade their plans as needed. Changes will be applied at the end of the current billing cycle or when the current plan’s traffic limit is reached.

5. Implemented Subscription Cancel Functionality: 

  • Clients can cancel their plan when needed. The cancellation will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle or when the current plan’s traffic limit is reached.

6. Added Restart Functionality for Canceled Plans: 

  • Clients who have previously canceled their subscription have the option to purchase a new plan if they wish to reactivate their service.

7. Introduced Grace Period for Failed Payments: 

  • In case of a failed payment transaction, the client has a 5-day grace period to update their payment information. During this period, email notifications are sent as reminders. If the payment details are not updated within 5 days, the subscription will be blocked.

8. Added Billing History View: 

  • The Billing History tab provides a complete overview of all transactions for improved tracking and transparency.

9. Enabled Receipt (Invoice) Download: 

  • Clients can generate and download invoices for specific billing periods, including prepayments and extra traffic charges.

10. Introduced Whitelabel Integration via JavaScript: 

  • JavaScript-based whitelabel integration is now available. Installation instructions can be found on our Documentation page.

11. Added CSV Export for Visitor Data: 

  • Clients can export visitor data from the Visitors Overview to a CSV file, with filtering based on visit dates (First visit date and Last visit date).

12. Expanded Visitors Geo Report:

  • The Visitors Geo Report now allows viewing beyond the top 5 countries, offering more detailed geographic insights.

13. Enabled Self-Registration for Clients:

  • Clients can now self-register on the portal, streamlining the account creation process.

14. Added VPN and Account Fraud Detection Parameters: 

  • New features for detecting VPN usage and account fraud have been integrated into the Admin Portal. Adenty now identifies multiple users on the same account, comparing IP addresses and browser/OS time zones for more accurate visitor behavior insights. For more details on VPN and fraud detection, visit our site.



1. Enhanced Tracking for Geo and Device Types Based on Visitor Activity: 

  • Clients can now monitor visitor activity by location and device type, improving visitor analytics. 

2. Improved User Identification Accuracy with Enhanced Formula: 

  • Improved user identification formula includes a “visitor changed” red flag to track changes in user IDs. 

3. Inhanced Cross-Site Identity Tracking: 

  • Improved cross-site identity tracking for more accurate user behavior analysis. 


Bug fixes: 

1. Added Notifications, Adjusted Titles, Renamed Buttons, and Included Spinners: 

  • These updates have been made to simplify and enhance the overall user experience with the product. 

2. Improved Admin Portal Interface at 110% Scale: 

  • The Admin Portal interface has been refined, with adjustments made to better accommodate viewing at 110% scale for improved usability and accessibility. 


1.2.1 Version

What’s new

1. Report Filtering Optimization:

  • Optimized report filtering to enhance performance and reduce unnecessary data processing. Key enhancements include the implementation of pre-aggregation for graphs, resulting in faster report generation.

1.2 Version

What’s new

1. Intermediate Caching for Dashboard Reports:

  • Implemented intermediate caching functionality for reports on the Dashboard, optimizing real-time report generation and improving performance.

2. Site Parameter Added to PageView Event: 

  • Improved the PageView event by including Site parameter, enabling event tracking based on the Site and Client. 

3. Extension of Requests with “pid” and “sid” Parameters: 

  • Extended requests by including “pid” (page ID) and “sid” (session storage ID): parameters, enhancing data tracking and analysis capabilities. 

4. Added Console Command for Plugin Version Retrieval: 

  • Implemented a console command, anoid.getVersion(), to retrieve the plugin version. This command allows users to easily access the current version information directly from the console. 


Bug fixes: 

1. Reworked Checkbox for Storing Device Details: 

  • The checkbox for storing device details has been reworked. It is now available only during the step of Client creation and disabled while editing. This ensures proper configuration during the initial setup. 

1.1.1 Version

What’s new

1. Support for GTM Initialization:

  • The plugin now supports initialization via Google Tag Manager (GTM). You can now easily initialize the plugin through GTM.

2. Client Editing Enhancement:

  • The checkbox option to “Store device details” has been disabled when editing a client. Now, you can choose whether to store device details only during client creation. The checkbox is disabled during editing.

3. Enhanced Visitor Activity Display:

  • When a client is associated with multiple sites, visitor activity is now split between these sites.

  • The history of activity for each visitor is displayed appropriately for the respective site(s) they visited, rather than aggregating activity across all sites associated with the client.

1.1 Version

What’s new

1. Introduced Event Subscription via Console Commands:

  • Users can now subscribe to all events using console commands with the format: adenty.listenTo(‘EventName’, function())

2. Removed IP Storage and Display:

  • In compliance with GDPR regulations, IP addresses are no longer stored in the database or displayed in the user interface.

3. Added Geolocation Data to Visitors Overview:

  • The Visitors Overview tab now includes geolocation data, displaying the visitor’s country for enhanced location tracking.

4. Consistent VisitorID Across All Client Sites: 

  • The VisitorID is now unified across all sites within the same client, ensuring accurate tracking by checking if a visitor already exists in the client’s database. 

5. Introduced “VisitorPageView” Event: 

  • A “VisitorPageView” event has been added, processing in parallel with other visitor events such as “VisitorReturned” and “VisitorRestored,” and it triggers on every page load.

6. Implemented Safeguard for Last Entity Deletion in the list: 

  • Implemented rules to prevent the deletion of the last entity (user, site, property, or client) to maintain system integrity.

1.0 Version

What’s new

1. Developed Anonymous Visitors Identification Plugin:

  • A new plugin has been developed that generates a stable VisitorID to identify anonymous visitors, even if the visitor applies VPN, changes devices or accounts, cleans cache or cookies, etc

2. Launched Reporting Portal:

  • A new Reporting Portal has been launched, providing comprehensive data analysis on users through dashboards and graphs.

3. Added Overall Identification Accuracy Reports:

  • An “Overall Identification Accuracy” section has been added, including red flags for “Percentage of anonymous visitors linked to the same device analytics” and “Percentage of anonymous visitors with multiple devices linked analytics.” A user identification accuracy formula has also been developed and integrated.

4. Introduced Real-Time Reporting Features:

  • Real-time reporting features have been introduced, including dashboards for “Overall Identification Accuracy” and “De-anonymized Visitors.”

5. Implemented Visitors Overview with Individual Tracking:

  • Implemented individual user tracking in the Visitors Overview tab, displaying their history through charts and grids for better visualization.

6. Enabled Admin User Management:

  • Admins now have the ability to create, view, and update user profiles within the portal, improving user management capabilities

7. Added Independent Site and SiteGroup Management: 

  • Admins can now independently add and manage Site Groups and Sites, offering more control over site management.

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